Elon Musk, our new Osama bin Laden.

Incel Family Values are the new Family Values.

Chris Maley
3 min readNov 15, 2024
I stole this pic from a fanboy post. Nude Elon has numbers tattooed on his arm like he’s at Auschwitz. Why?

Musk buys Texas compound for his children, their mothers: report (Fox News)
Venture back in time with me, to immediately after September 11th, 2001.

The world was in shock. Grieving. It took a while for the reality of that day to sink in. We all felt it.

The USA’s male power-brokers grieved along with the rest of us.

For a beautiful stretch of time, their tears were just as sincere as anyone else’s. Whether it was somebody on the other side of the globe they’d never meet, or their admins, or some low-income folks in a rust belt town, the power-brokers and billions of other humans shared a sadness.

And then one day, the Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Beltway crowds’ tears stopped flowing. Because they discovered a fact about the terrorist mastermind who devastated our country.

Bros learned that Osama bin Laden had multiple wives.

And, after learning this, power-brokers came to the conclusion that each one of these wives had a vagina.

Multiple wives means more than one vagina to choose from. While bros had jets and luxury pontoon boats, bin Laden had poontang.

An obsession, a quest for their own variety of owned poontang, began. And with it, a cultural paradigm shift in upper-middle-class white culture.

A system of values changed.

Over time, the phrases “American Taliban” and “Y’All Qaeda” entered pop-culture as The Right got weird. The Black Commander-In-Chief warped some people. I’m beginning to believe irreparably.

Here we are, November 2024. Welcome to the Kakistocracy.

Donald Trump is going back to the White House. Elon Musk is building a compound for his wives and children, as the Fox New link at the beginning of this post says.

The Family Values folks love these two men’s procreating abilities. More than they love themselves.

In other news, the Incel Di Tutti Incels is going to be our Vice President.

Also, Nick Fuentes is getting laughs from Trump voters with his “your body, my choice” “jokes.” People who worry about getting cancelled love humor like this.

Prepare for terrorism, everybody. Insecure incel terrorism by boys who think their life’s duty is to impregnate many women. These Elon-wannabes will be backed up by our nation’s police. White nationalists who think with their dicks are their leaders.

To crank up the Gen X irony vibe to ten, Elon should order his architects to copy Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Exactly. Down to the last brick. Every room match the ones in the original structure.

But here’s where my idea gets tits: construct the whole thing out of solid gold.

Elon did so good with the election, Vlad should make him Employee of the Month.

Also posted on my site. Some earlier posts:
The USA will so rock at fascism. Trust me. I wrote four books.
New conspiracy theory: there is also a poo tape.
LinkedIn removed my post about Trump simulating oral on a mic.
A thank you, from me to Rush Limbaugh..
Intersection of Memory Lane and Flashback Avenue.

I also write fiction. I have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for it.
Follow me on Medium.



Chris Maley
Chris Maley

Written by Chris Maley

I pay bills writing Websites, articles, ads, etc. Author of the Fearkiller dark comedy series. Check out my new book, Revolutionizer Alpha. chrismaley.com

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