Fuck customers. The investors is always right. Part V.
FCTIIAR, the TL;DR: though far from perfect, an old business philosophy, “the customer is always right,” helped shape the USA in the last century. This century, “fuck customers, the investor is always right” replaced it. Which sucks. RWT suck.
If the New York Police Department could get a do-over, you think they would re-think this perp walk?
Maybe leave a few officers and a few of the guns behind?
Ease up on the displays of body armor just a weensy bit?
In an attempt to show the self-described masters of the universe how much the government cares about their delicate feelings, the NYPD inadvertently helped create one of 2024’s iconic photos.
We know who is important and who isn’t. It’s obvious.
Healthcare CEOs are important. Patients and medical professionals aren’t.
Techbros are important. Technology users aren’t.
Project 2025 is important. Workers and expectant mothers aren’t.
Pete Hegseth is important. Servicemembers aren’t.
Vladimir Putin is important. The American people aren’t.
Oversensitive white guys are important. Nobody else is..
Tax cuts for the wealthy are important. A debt ceiling no longer is. (Contain your surprise: Republicans wanted to eliminate the debt ceiling before giving the country’s wealthiest and its corporations another huge tax cut.)
So I keep hearing that the richer folks are panicking.
Only I don’t hear a lot of attempts by them to see the picture from the masses’ angle. Which means that richer folks are refusing to budge, digging their heels in, shutting their minds off when they should be turning them on instead.
We’re getting the silent treatment.
They must really, really want rides on the new Titan sub whenever it gets finished being built. More rides to space. More stuff. Second yachts that accompany the first yachts to carry more stuff for the folks on the first yacht.
I feel stressed as hell about all of this, the year ahead, don’t get me wrong. I get in downer moods thinking about how it’s going to be awful in ways I don’t comprehend. Downer-ass moods. But I’m not crapping my pants.
Know why? Because the high-net-worth crowd is crapping its pants.
If they were at ease, this all would be so much worse.
Watch this video of Piers Morgan asking billionaire Peter Thiel about the UHC CEO shooting, his stuttering reply.
Don’t obey in advance.
Fuck Customers. The Investor Is Always Right: I. II. III. IV.
Also post on my site. Earlier posts:
• A chart named Bob.
• Discover how miserable America’s top earners are. Self-publish.
• The 2010s: billionaires bitched, their racist bitches died off early.
• America will so rock at this fascism thing. Trust me: I released four books during the 2010s.
• Open letter to a selfie of my drunk-ass self, taken on August 11th, 2001.
I write fiction and have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for it.
Here’s my professional site, my trade.