George Carlin: hi from Earth.
Hello, sir. Thinking of you, saying hello from this plane of existence and your old country, the one located on your former planet-of-residence.
Even though you didn’t believe in God or religion, I’m confident you’re surfing the Great Beyond and you face-punched Rush Limbaugh the moment he arrived in that dimension. Wherever you are, wanna trip out? Get this:
Donald Trump is running for President…FOR A SECOND TERM.
Shit got weird(er) after you passed on to the next plane. Many wealthy folks in the USA want to re-elect Donald Trump and one of their plans is called Project 2025. Instead of democracy and evolution, this crowd wants more tax breaks for the rich and fewer free-thinkers wondering what the rich do with that money.
When they aren’t getting hard over thinking about controlling women’s bodies further and finding new ways to penalize brown-skinned folks for existing, the worst of the wealthy are promoting a second civil war. Again: they’re doing it for the tax breaks. Everything going on here has to do with money and nothing else. Yeah, Mister Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous having his finger on the button for four years wasn’t stressful enough because…dollars.
Years ago, you came up with the perfect alternative to civil war, Above, I supplied a link to the clip to your comedy set and also a transcript of it. Your plan makes so much more sense.
Prospective Slug Fest contestants are Americans who are not suffering, though corporate media says otherwise. The last thing they deserve is some “war’ where everyone disrupts their lives. The average Donald Trump voter makes more than the median income, despite their sob-stories. Each one of them sounds like the perfect person to battle others just like himself…to the death. They deserve each other. And the future deserves better. We got a planet to save.
The rest of said planet would love and respect the United States of America if Slugfest happened instead of Civil War Two.
Well, Putin and the Saudis wouldn’t. But that would be a good thing.
#VoteBlue #FuckNazis #TaxTheRich
Also posted on my site. Some earlier posts:
• John Wayne: hi from Earth.
• Alan Berg: hi from Earth. Part II.
• Jonas Salk: what a pussy.
• Chevychasing it.
• Open letter to myself:
I also write fiction. I have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for it.