President Kamala Harris will trigger racist incel R.W.T.

Thoughts on the Presidential debate.

Chris Maley
4 min readJun 28, 2024
Henry Wallace, earlier Vice President of the United States.

CNN article: This infamous Steve Bannon quote is key to understanding America’s crazy politics

“This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.” — Steve Bannon

If you want to understandlast night’s debate on RWT-owned CNN, read the above article from, fittingly enough, CNN. It is about Steve Bannon and his “flood the zone with shit” tactic. While the piece is a few years old, the behavior it discusses was on full display last night.

Deliberate, over-the-top lying is a tactic just like calling price-gouging “inflation” is a tactic. Tactics are pre-scripted moves meant to meet the objectives of some existing plan. Some tactics, like spewing lies in order to shock an old man, are meant to come across as more off-the-cuff and not-as-intentional.

Go figure: Donald Trump lying tactically. And wealthy Republicans supporting him for it because it supports other tactics that work to destroy democracy.

Us whitefolk…we are a tactical people, aren’t we?

And yes, Joe Biden did not do his best. But if you are a person who got worried when he first spoke and you heard his sore throat, chill. Please don’t have the freakouts over Joe Biden’s sickness.

I want you to freak out over Donald Trump’s sickness instead. And the sickness of the rich white trash who are enabling him because they didn’t get enough money from the government during Covid.

Donald Trump’s problems derive from the fact that he is an overprivileged, knock-off version of his idol, Adolf Hitler. His physical defect is sociopathy.

If Adolf Hiller was the metaphorical equivalent to an atomic bomb, Donald Trump is Chernobyl. I don’t worry about world war. I worry about the world ending because some spoiled white guy cuts corners on a project involving radioactive materials that have the potential to kill on a mass scale, thinking he can divert those funds into a secret bank account which he will use to hire the Uber-expensive divorce lawyer who guarantees that Starter Family will never get half. I don’t worry about the world ending because of a bad-guy’s bad-assery, but the world ending due to incompetence and undeserved positions of authority.

Am I disappointed in Joe Biden last night? Somewhat, yes. But not for having a scratchy throat. And I’m not mad at him for being shocked by an opponent’s open disregard for the truth. I guess, in a way, I should be mad at him for getting blind-sided by this, but that would give rich white trash more respect than they deserve. They have money and they own the media, so they used it. I’m a straight, white dude and these dudes are straight, white dudes. I know their bullshit. And their bullshit will never impress me or show me it’s a sign of something extraordinary within a person. It’s just money. Anti-Semites behaving like their ugly Jewish stereotypes.

We need to be talking about the fact that Donald Trump’s blatant lies — like “post-birth abortions” and immigrants stealing “black jobs” — were also talking points meant to telegraph to the USA’s most racist and Nazi-like people that he is one of them. Those lies did double-duty: they knocked Joe Biden off-base and they told the Operation White Privilege racists that he is one of them.

Rich white trash want Donald Trump back in the White House because they want more handouts for themselves. They have been pushing MAGAts towards a “civil war” but it ain’t happening. The hour is getting desperate. The election is just around the corner. They need to go full-on Hitler now.

Game plan: re-elect Joe Biden. And if he dies, Kamala Harris will step in. That’s how the system works. Her damage-control interview on CNN post-debate rocked. And the fact that she triggers insecure pieces of white shit so amazingly makes me love her already.

Also posted on my website. Riffing off of earlier posts:
Bros: America’s new Jews.
Showers of gold.
Jonas Salk. What a pussy.
The Donald Trump Tax.
Open letter to a selfie of my drunk-ass self, taken on August 11th, 2001.

I write fiction. I have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for it. Here’s my professional site, my trade.



Chris Maley
Chris Maley

Written by Chris Maley

I pay bills writing Websites, articles, ads, etc. Author of the Fearkiller dark comedy series. Check out my new book, Revolutionizer Alpha.

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