Proposal: we rename “Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day” and call it “The Revenge of Jimmy Carter Day” instead.
On January 20th, 2025: flags will fly at half-staff, honoring the 39th President of the United States.
Yeah…Don’s post here is not a good sign. His insecurities are triggered.
Ever since the election, the investor fellers’ takeover plan keeps hitting roadblock after roadblock. The Project 2025 boys might have to band together with Phony Stark and Silicon Valley to throw more money at the conquering-of-America thingie.
Remember: all of this is supposed to look overwhelming and impossible to resist. The public should be more demoralized than it currently is. My gut feeling is that we are a stressed-out group of Americans, but part of the stress comes from knowing we have work to do.
Knowing that we have work to do means that we haven’t given up. Hopelessness hasn’t set in.
The corporate-owned media and the “new media” owners are in overdrive shouting to the majority of the country that a small minority controls everything now. The masses need to just throw in the towel all is lost every last bit of it gone all gone. Forever-gone.
Big tears. Giant ones. All is lost.
As Matt Gaetz tweeted out today: “Marshall Law.”
World: if you need just one metaphor to explain the stupidity of my country and its dumb, wannabe-fascist vibe, the Nazi-man that Donald Trump pitched to be his incoming Attorney General can’t spell “Martial Law.” Tells you all you need to know.
Look out. Marshall Law is coming. And wowzers…it is pissed.
Seventeen days from now, Donald Trump is going to swear on a Donald Trump Bible that he will fuck over and dismantle the United States of America, so help him Vladimir Putin. The complicit media will back up his hitlery bullshit and treat the nonsense as truth.
And the whole time — the entire time — all of those flags surrounding all of that pomp-and-circumstanciness will be lowered, as a way of honoring another president.
A president who the Republican Party hates almost as much as they hate the 44th President of the United States.
If democracy is fragile, guess what?
So is fascism.
Don’t obey in advance. This is a fuckshow.
Also posted on my site. Riffing off of other posts:
• Fuck customers. The investor is always right.
• Bros: America’s New Jews
• Bury Rush Limbaugh at Arlington with full military honors. Own the libs.
• A hypothetical experiment using two bros who overuse the word “successful.”
• I hope that coronavirus helps America redefine the term “white trash.”
• Open letter to a selfie of my drunk-ass self, taken on August 11th, 2001.
I write fiction and have two dark comedies available, Fearkiller (Volume 1) and Notes from Trillionaire Island: Fearkiller (Volume 2), as well as Revolutionizer Alpha, the first book in a sci-fi series. I also wrote a story about God. It was weird, but then I decided to make the story and its sequel free. And all of the sudden, it didn’t seem as weird. Writing about God is much less weird when you write about God without charging money for it. Here’s my professional site, my trade.